Below, you can access each week's suggested scripture reading and discussion guide for our connection groups. We also linked some bible study resources to help you as you study, prepare and share.
These readings are listed so you can come prepared and enhance your group discussion. We know life can get busy, so we have tried to give options to help you prepare for your group based on your time and how deeply you desire to go.
Focus Scripture Main passage for discussion.
Brief Survey Reading Some extra context.
In-Depth Reading Most comprehensive context.
Focus Scripture
Genesis 15:1-6
Romans 4
Galatians 3
James 2
Brief Survey Reading
Genesis 12:1–3
Genesis 14:17–24
Genesis 15:2–6
Genesis 16
Genesis 17:5–6
Genesis 17:9–14
Genesis 21:1–7
Romans 4
Galatians 3
James 2
In-Depth Reading
Genesis 12-22
Focus Scripture
Genesis 37:3-8, 17b-22, 26-34; 50:15- 21
Brief Survey Reading
Genesis 30:22–24
Genesis 37:2–4
Genesis 39:1–20
Genesis 41:8–13
Genesis 45:1–4
Genesis 50:22–26
In-Depth Reading
Genesis 30-50
Focus Scripture
Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8
Brief Survey Reading
Exodus 1:6-13
Exodus 1:22
Exodus 2:1-8
Exodus 3:1-10
Exodus 6:28-7:6
Exodus 12:1-13
In-Depth Reading
Exodus 1-13
Focus Scripture
Exodus 32:1-14
Brief Survey Reading
Exodus 15:1-21
Exodus 16:1-5
Exodus 17:1-7
Exodus 18:17-20
Exodus 20:1-17
Exodus 25:1-9
Exodus 32:1-14
In-Depth Reading
Exodus 15-32:14
Focus Scripture
1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10
Brief Survey Reading
1 Samuel 1:11
1 Samuel 3:1-21
1 Samuel 7:5-8:9
1 Samuel 9:1-27
1 Samuel 15:1-35
1 Samuel 28:8-14
In-Depth Reading
1 Samuel (All 31 Chapters)
Focus Scripture
2 Samuel 7:1-17
Brief Survey Reading
1 Samuel 16:10–23
1 Samuel 17:48–18:16
1 Samuel 26:1-25
2 Samuel 5:4–11
2 Samuel 11:1–27
2 Samuel 21:15
In-Depth Reading
2 Samuel (All 24 Chapters)
We hope the discussion guides help groups facilitate healthy conversation around that weeks sermon text. We currently utilize the texts provided by the Narrative Lectionary to help us walk through the entire narrative of scripture over a three-year cycle. Each year, we will go through the Old Testament, a Gospel account, and some New Testament letters/writings.
How have you seen God’s blessing in your life?
Where have you struggled to see God’s blessing in your life?
How do you handle the moments you cant see the blessing?
What has happened in Abrams life up to this point?
Why is Abram concerned?
What is God’s response?
What is Abram’s response?
What can we learn from Abraham’s belief (same guy name change happens in Genesis 17)?
Romans 4, Galatians 3, James 2 can provide some help in answering this question.
How do we hear God’s leading?
Why do we struggle to trust God’s leading in our lives?
What can we do as a group to help each other trust God?
What might the result of trusting God be?
Lord, thank you for walking with and leading us, help us draw near you and trust you fully in all areas of our lives surrendering them to you. Amen
Have you ever experienced or witnessed something truly terrible or difficult? What was it?
Were you able to see God work through that difficult situation?
What made it difficult to see God work? What helped reveal his work in the situation?
Genesis 37:3-8, 17b-22, 26-34; 50:15-21
What makes Joseph unique to Jacob?
Does this impact the relationship with his brothers? How?
What is the result of these tensions?
How does Joseph respond to the situation of slavery in which he ends up?
What does he do when things get even worse for him?
What stands out about the end of Joseph’s story?
Where do you see God in Joseph’s story?
What does this reveal about God’s character?
What are the difficult things we face in today's world?
How should we respond as Christ's followers today?
How can we reframe our perspectives of difficulties today?
Should we look to the past to identify God’s presence? Would this help us in future difficult moments? Why or why not?
Lord, we know that you are never changing; we know that you work even our brokenness for your good; we ask that you help us witness and celebrate your work in our lives, even in what we perceive as darkness. Amen
What are some of the most important and retold stories within your family?
What makes them important, and why are they shared over and over?
What reason does God give for the Passover and Festival of Unleavened Bread?
What impact will these ordinances have on future generations?
What sacrifice are the Israelite people expected to make after their exodus?
What do we learn about God through the story of the Exodus?
How do stories and celebrations shape us today?
What stories and celebrations do we have today, like the Passover and the festival of unleavened bread? Are they shaping us in good or bad ways?
Do these stories and celebrations demonstrate who our God is?
What kind of stories and celebrations can we focus on to remember our God and live for our God?
Lord, you are more powerful than the rulers and nations of this world; you invite us to remember who you are and to live as you have called us; give us the wisdom to remember and live into your will. Amen
Did you ever do something your parents didn’t want you to while they weren’t looking (funny or serious)? What was it?
How did your parents respond?
What do you think their response should have been?
Exodus 32:1-14
What kind of life have the Israelites had up to this point in the story?
What do they decide to do while Moses is on the Mountain with God?
Why do you think they do this?
What stands out about God’s response to the Israelites?
What stands out about Mose’s response to God’s response?
What does this show us about the relationship of God and man?
What do we do today that is like the Israelites worshiping a golden calf?
Why do we lose focus on our God?
How should we approach our relationship with God?
How can we pray and intercede for others in our lives?
Lord, you are holy; you call us to be holy, and we fail to meet your holy standard, yet you desire we return to you and give us that opportunity each day through the life, death, and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ. Please lead us to surrender our lives and find true life in our relationship with you. Amen
What major prayers have you shared with God in your lifetime?
How did God respond to those prayers?
How did you grow through prayer?
1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10
Why does Hannah pray for a child?
Why would she be so bold as to promise to give that Child to God?
How were others perceiving Hannah?
What does Hannah’s promise to God indicate she believes about God?
How does God respond?
How does Hannah express her gratitude and joy?
What themes do we see in her response?
Does it matter how or what we pray for? Why or why not?
How can we prioritize a radical prayer life, and should we?
What things can we take to the lord in prayer today for each other?
Close praying over the things just shared.
What types of mantras and truths did your family share as you were growing up?
How have they impacted your life today?
How would you summarize David's life (including the highs and lows)?
Today's passage concerns the early moments of David's life. Does he know what is in store for him at this point?
How does David respond to God telling him he will rule an enduring kingdom?
Considering the rest of David's life, do his shortcomings impact God's promise/covenant?
What does this teach us about God?
Why would God remain faithful to a covenant with David even in his (David) sin?
What promises/covenants has God made with us?
How should these impact our daily lives?
How should we handle or process our failure?
What can we do this week to celebrate God's presence?
Lord, you remain faithful even when we do not. Help us return to our relationship with you and share your promises with the world. Amen
We are called to a faith practiced in community. Like your conversations with your connection group, engaging other believers' and scholars' knowledge of scripture is helpful. It might help to consider reading commentaries and guides as sitting down for coffee with someone you can't do that with. You may agree or disagree on some things. Still, it challenges you to open your heart/mind to where you might have a blind spot, helps you better communicate your understanding, and enables you to grow in your walk with Christ. Below, you will find resources we trust as you study God's word in preparation for your connection group.